Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Calcium Deficiency-are Your Bones Ready For It?

Calcium is the kind of mineral that is most likely to be a deficient in an average human diet. Currently, calcium deficiency is a common condition to every individual. According to the official statistics gathered by the Federal government, only 21 percent of the total population in the United States is getting the required amount of calcium.

Importantly, having calcium deficiency may result to a long term thinning of the bones, osteoporosis or the softening of the bony tissue and commonly called as osteomalacia. Also, the defective metabolism of the calcium in the body during childhood may result to the condition called rickets A recent study showed that lack of the required calcium level may cause hypertension or high blood pressure and colon cancer.

Perhaps youve heard it many times that calcium deficiency may result to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis, is often diagnosed when its too late just to reverse the conditions development. In United States, close to about 10 million individuals have osteoporosis that is caused by calcium deficiency. Close to another 34 million people is experiencing low bone mass, placing them to the risk of having the disease.

Having insufficient calcium intake to the body may result to the drawing of the reserves of calcium levels in your teeth and bones. With calcium deficiency, your bones will become lighter, hollow, and be porous. In weak bones, possible fractures in spine and weakened hips can take place easily and may end to permanent disability, cruel pain, hospitalization, and even death.

Moreover, there are other calcium deficiency symptoms that can be observed by anyone. Since calcium is also present in nails and teeth, having calcium deficiency may bring brittle nails and tooth decay. In view of the fact that your body requires a small level of calcium to move through soft tissues and bodily fluids every time, inadequate calcium intake can bring these additional symptoms and these are:

Experiencing muscle cramps.
Having muscle spasms in arms and legs.
Leg and back cramps
Tingling and numbness, and
Joint pain

Fortunately, to prevent having calcium deficiency, you must take enough amount of calcium whether its in dietary form or in calcium supplements. On the other hand, one of the popular ways to prevent calcium deficiency is to take the calcium supplement commonly called coral calcium. However, you must consult first a health care provider for you to have the right amount of calcium.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on calcium, please visit Blog7074
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